Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Maddox's Weekend!

I guess you could say this weekend was all about Maddox! We didn't intend for it to be that way... it just happened. It started out Friday night with Alli and Addie Dayne coming over for dinner and playtime. All three of them ended up in playing Maddox's bed! Addie Dayne is learning some great tricks from Alli and Maddox!

Then Saturday began with a several hour trip to the pool. You have all read about our pool trips and it was just as exciting as always! While at the pool Stephen decided he wanted to take Maddox to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner and playtime. Now.. I have taken Maddox to CEC and he had soooo much fun so I was good with this decision. After an afternoon nap we headed over to CEC. When we got there everyone in Augusta had made the same decision we had.... it was a packed house! Even with all the people Maddox was able to climb, dance, take his picture with Chuck, and ride on a few of the rides. He had a blast!

Then came today... Maddox's first trip to the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus! Unfortunately, this wasn't the "big" circus so the only animals were horses and dogs. It didn't bother Maddox at all.... he was mesmerized!

Later on Stephen and I heard this giggling coming from the den. When we got in there Maddox was putting his new clown hat on Lexie and was laughing so hard at her! Sweet Lexie lets him do almost anything to her! I taped this not only to show how sweet she is, but to listen to that precious laughter coming out of Maddox's mouth! (Push the play button to begin the video!)

It didn't matter how many people were at CEC or that there were no elephants, lions, or tigers at the circus! As long as Maddox is having fun and learning new things that is what counts. We are blessed that God trusts us to raise His sweet son! Oh... how we love this little boy!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Dad

I begin my day with a saddened heart. One year ago today my dad passed away. I am experiencing so many emotions and thoughts so I thought I would just put it simply.

Dear Dad,

I have missed you terribly in the last year. Although I wish you could be here I thank God each day that you haven't had to be in pain anymore. I know that you are watching over us and are so very proud of your wife, your children, and grandchildren. I look forward to the day when I can see you again in Heaven.

All my love,

Shortly after he passed away I ran across this little paragraph and I thought it was so powerful.

God saw you getting tired, a cure was not meant to be. So He put His arms around you and He whispered, "come to me." With tearful eyes we watched, as you passed away and although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands now rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Augusta Friends

Well.... Maddox and I are finally in Augusta and glad to be back with Stephen and all of our friends here! We have had a busy week! Britt and I hosted a Brinkley's Berries children's clothes show for two days and two nights. It was so much fun and we think we did really good as far as sales go for our first time! If you have never heard of Brinkley's Berries check it out:!

While in Augusta Stephen and I have developed some great friendships- as a couple and as individuals. Life for us in the past 4 years has been pretty "simple" and this time next year we will have stepped into the "real world" and things won't be so simple. These friends that we have made along the way have all been in our same situations... resident salaries, raising young children, being away from family, etc. I guess you could say that reality has finally set in this week that this is our last year here. I got so sad and told my friends that they had to do something with me as much as they can for the next year (I know that is a lot of being around me, but oh well.)! So.... we had some friends over last night for dinner. Below are some pictures from our evening. I put which department their husbands are in so you can see how we are all spread out in the hospital...

(l to r): Kelly Carr (psych), Me (OMFS), Elizabeth Gregg (orthopedic surgery), & Britt Buckler (pediactric residency/ NICU fellow)

Alli Buckler & Maddox

These two are like brother and sister. They are 1 month & 1 day shy of being exactly 1 year apart. Maddox is going to miss Alli so much when we leave!

Saturday, July 7, 2007


My brother-in-law Brad will be 40 on Monday so tonight Katie threw a surprise for him. He graduated from Prep in 1985 so it was an 80's theme. She had an Atari hooked up in the den and Ms. Pacman hooked up in the kitchen. They were REAL hits!!! As you can see we all dressed for the occasion and had fun doing it! I miss the 80's!

UGH! Blogger won't let me put in a title!

Maddox and I had lunch with our friends Bryant, Mary Grace, and Stacy Seago on Thursday. It was great to see them! David Seago and Stephen have been friends for many, many years (backyard neighbors growing up) which led to a great new friendship for me! Here are the kiddos- can you tell who has the shy child? I'll give you a clue: it isn't Stacy!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Fun times in the baby pool!
Brady and Maddox enjoying some yummy sherbet.

Maddox wearing my Daddy's golf hat.

I hope you all had wonderful 4th! We went to River Hills and ate lunch with Katie and her family and that is about it! It was a rainy & lazy day- my favorite kind!