Baby Greer 2 is due June 4th!!!!!!
Now for the crazy story (*warning: it's long*)! As most of you know I experienced a miscarriage in May. So, naturally, I've been very nervous about getting pregnant again and going through that again. On September 20th we found out I was pregnant again! We were thrilled, yet nervous. We went for our first Dr. appointment on Thursday, October 9th. I "knew" I should have been approx. 6 weeks along. Due to the fact I have had a miscarriage before she went ahead and did an ultrasound. Unfortunately, we didn't see what we expected. All that had developed was a gestational sac and a yolk sac. With my miscarriage all that developed was gestational sac and I it had stopped developing at 5 weeks. Again... I'm thinking I'm about 6 weeks and knowing we saw Maddox's heartbeat at 6 weeks I just knew that I was miscarrying again. After much discussion we decided that I would come back on Thursday and repeat my blood work to see if my HCG levels were increasing. So... went back on Thursday and got a call later that day that the levels had only increased from 22,000 to 27,000. The levels should have increased by about 66% each day. My Dr. told me that this lets her know that the pregnancy isn't going to develop normally. I already had another appointment scheduled for the following Tuesday for a repeat ultrasound. She told me not to eat or drink anything after midnight Monday, we would repeat the ultrasound, and head to the hospital for the D&C. I really didn't want to wait that long, but we didn't have a choice. Stephen has opened a satellite office in Greenville, MS and goes one Friday a month and every Monday. It just so happened that he was going the next day and then Monday. Those two days for a D&C were not possible. We went back on Tuesday and the girl doing my sonogram asked us to catch her up and I told her we were there to confirm a miscarriage. She starts her process of checking everything and then says: "We have a baby with a heartbeat! You are 6 weeks 4 days pregnant.. due June 4th! Congratulations!". I said "WHAT!!!". We were in shock with lots of tears. My OB walks in about that time to console us and is just as shocked as we were. Of course we had a lot of questions... my OB said that it was a lab error... either my first blood draw or the second, but one of them was wrong.
I have called this baby the "miracle baby" because if I had had it
MY way I would have gone on Friday for the D&C. As we know God always does things in
HIS perfect timing, not
OURS. Unlike us, labs, and ultrasound machines, He knew that this little one needed a little more time to make its appearance and HE put something in our way to be sure not to disturb it. We know that you are never out of the clear of something happening, but so far this baby has been pretty protected by its Creator!
I went back to the Dr. last week and things are great... the heartbeat was 169. Stephen really thinks it's a girl (I think deep down he's hoping for one) because Maddox's was never that high! I don't have that strong feeling of gender I had with Maddox yet.... we will find out for sure the last week in December! I am 12 weeks today and so very thankful to be at this point!!!