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Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, April 21, 2008

GYN Cancer Support Group Wine Tasting

Saturday night our supper club (minus a few) went to the GYN Cancer Support Group Fundraiser. It was a wine tasting and sit down dinner. It was fun for us all to get dressed up and actually go out on the town. Needless to say.... much laughing took place and fun was had by all!

To give you a little background on our supper club: It all began in October of 2004 (we moved to Augusta June 2004). I signed up for a supper club through the MCG Housestaff Auxiliary (a support group for students, residents, and fellows wives). We got randomly placed in a supper cub and we met for the first time in October. It began with 6 couples. Over time people have moved and we've added new people, but there are four couples that are the original group: the Bells, Bucklers, Ansleys, and us. Out of the these four, three of us are moving on to the next phase of our lives in a month. We have had dinner together every month for 3.5 years now. It has become part of our monthly schedule... how different it will be not seeing these people every month. We have made many, many memories together and held each others hands through deaths, births, and our husbands crazy schedules. To say that these people are "friends" is an understatement... they are our "Augusta family".

The Bucklers and Greers taking a "prom picture". At one point the kids wanted to get in the picture with us (I didn't get this one). We said we probably weren't the first couple to have prom pictures made with our children!

We actually got a picture together!!!!!


Maddox had is first experience with a caterpillar. I kept telling him it was just like The Very Hungry Caterpillar in his book, but he only wanted to watch from a distance (3 inches away)! He wasn't real sure about it's fuzzy body.

Maybe I'll pick it up..... Maybe not!!!!

First Bubble Bath

As I have said before... I have forfeited my Mother Of The Year Award from Maddox so many times in just 2 short years that I decided I would have to try again with the subsequent Greer children. With all of that being said... Maddox took his FIRST (so sad) bubble bath! He wasn't real sure about it at first, but as you can see from the expression on his face he had a blast!

First Date

Alli and Maddox went on their first date in the Jeep. Maddox was such a gentleman and drove... very cautiously I might add!

(they were sweet enough to let baby Elizabeth go along also)

Adding a little SPICE to life!

Last week I was on a business call and Maddox came in trying to scrape something out of his mouth. When I got close to him I smelled a really strong spice smell. He was fine and went on about his business. When I got off the phone I went to go check on him. As I walked into the den I was taken over by the same spice smell. About that time I look over and this is what I see.....

Yes... that is an empty tupperware containter that used to house the pile of spice for shimp boiling. And.. yes... it is dumped on my carpet!!!!!

Wild Hair at the Park

Since the weather has finally decided to stay beautiful, most of our afternoons are spent at the park. When Maddox goes down the slide he gets so much static in his hair it stand straight up. Maddox... I am so sorry that you got your mommy's hair!!!!